NHC nominees received awards for courageous journalistic work

Today, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee was present at an award ceremony at the Nobel Institute in Oslo, where the laureates of the Fritt Ord Prize: Free Press in Russia and the Gerd Bucerius Prize: Free Press of Eastern Europe received their awards.

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee had nominated three of the six laureates: The Newspaper Chernovik of Dagestan, Russia, the journalist Zamin Haji of Yeni Müsavat and Azadliq, Baku, Azerbaijan and The News Portal A1+, Yerevan, Armenia.

The other three laureates were the journalists Natalya Ivanishina of the newspaper Ust-Ilimskaya in Russia, Maryna Koktysh of the newspaper Narodnaya Volya in Belarus, and Natalya Ligachova of the online newspaper Telekritika in Ukraine.