Report on Civil and Political Rights in Norway

A number of organizations in the Norwegian NGO-forum for Human Rights submitted a report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on 30 December 2010 regarding Norway’s respect of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

The report covers a broad range of issues, but these concerns are highlighted:

  • The right to be brought promptly before a judge after arrest (Police arrest, duration and conditions)
  • Involuntary deprivation of liberty and use of force in psychiatry
  • Protection of refugees with reference to article 7 of the Covenant
  • Implementation of the Istanbul-protocol
  • Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
  • Transfer of responsibility of care for unaccompanied asylum seekers in the age group 15-18 years of age to the Child Welfare Services.

The report has been made and is supported by the Human Rights Committee of the Norwegian Bar Association, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, the Norwegian Organization for Asylum Seekers, the Norwegian Psychologist Association, Amnesty International Norway, Save the Children Norway, International Commission of Jurists Norway, the Norwegian Center against Racism and the Human Rights House Foundation.

The NGO- report is written in response to the official Norwegian, which was submitted on 25 November 2009, officially termed “Norway’s sixth Periodic report under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)” on the status of the implementation of the Covenant in Norway.

The UN Human Rights Committee will consider the respect of civil and political rights in Norway in the fall of 2011 at Geneva. Norwegian NGOs plans to be present to give additional information to the Committee. A preparatory session will take place in March.

Download the report here