Recommendations to the Government of Norway before the UN

Norwegian Helsinki Committee, of behalf of the Norwegian NGO Forum for Human Rights, has submitted recommendations to the Government of Norway on human rights in 2014 at United Nations. The recommendations are particularly directed towards Norway's efforts before the UN Human Rights Council, but are relevant also to other UN bodies. Some of the issues will be discussed today when NGO forum for human rights meet with Foreign Minister Børge Brende on Norway's future human rights strategy.

NGO forum has submitted thematic recommendations on discrimination based on work and descent, election observation, promotion of child rights and best interests determination, the absolute prohibition against torture and the right to redress for victims of torture and violations of freedom of religion or belief in conflict and transition.

The Forum has issued particular country recommendations on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Iran, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

The reccomendations in full can be found here