It is not without reason that this day has been named a day of remembrance, rather than one reminding us about the importance of pride, visibility and awareness. It is not because those issues are not important, and should be a part of daily fight for LGBTIQ equality. It is because of the devastating number of trans*persons losing their lives every year.
We also want to Draw attention to all victims of forced sterilization, admittance to psychiatric wards, compulsory dissolution of marriages, removal of children from their parents, hate crimes and hate Speech – violations that are committed towards trans*persons every day.
This year we mourn, remember and honor 271 known persons that were murdered the last year due to transphobic hatred. Their names and story can be found here. There are without any doubt more.
Lighting a candle today is a way of remembering, paying respect, expressing solidarity with those who are no longer among us, and committing to the fight against trans*phobic crimes everywhere.
Read more about crimes committed against trans*persons at the Trans Murder Monitoring Project of TGEU – Transgender Europe